Tesla option codes

Last updated 14-Mar-2023

Tesla option codes appear at two levels, the first are the primary codes that determine the model, colour, wheels etc. The second set of option codes are the manufacturing codes. These include the primary codes but add additional information on Autopilot Hardware, whether parking sensors are fitted, which battery is installed, which motors are installed etc. These latter codes are the more interesting ones to determine what a car has.

How do I find my Tesla option code?

There are a number of wats which we describe later, but in general you need to log into MyTesla and find your car details buried in the HRML

Why do some cars only have the primary option codes?

Tesla are making it increasingly difficult to find the detailed build codes. We believe we are the only website that current gets these for all new inventory. We can speculate on the reasons why, but cars without parking sensors, Autopilot HW3 when HW4 is starting to roll out, and other smaller changes are leaving Tesla with some inventory they are finding it hard to sell.

Supply the option string separated with commas or spaces

This page decodes Tesla option codes to help reveal more detailed information about a specific car.

For details on free supercharging see our article guide on free supercharging in conjunction with using this page.

If you know the option code(s), simply enter them in the box below with either a space or a comma between them, and we'll do the rest.

We have introduced a new flexible data decoder that combines a number of our tools into one place.

You can also find the configuration screen via your Tesla account. This will list the main configuration codes for your car which includes the core information. On older cars this can be a complete list of the manufacturing codes, on later cars this tends to be a smaller list which includes a model code plus other key data such as colour, trim, etc.

Log into your Tesla account and click on the "Manage" for the chosen car. This will take you to a page dedicated to that particular car.

Tesla Account Screen

From here, either:

  • Navigate to the https://www.tesla.com/teslaaccount/oxp-bff-api/user-orders, which is a Tesla web page. Something similar to the following will be displayed
    The text in bold includes the codes you want.
  • or right click on the image of your car and select "copy image address" which will look a little like the above
  • Or if you are able to read html, examine the code and look for the configuration code which follows options and will look like 'AD15, AF02A, AH00, APBS...' or for later cars '$AD15, $AH00, $APBS...'.

Copy these codes and drop then into the search box on this page. This works for reservations as well as cars you have taken delivery of. We will convert each option code that we recognise, one of which are typically the supercharging status. Tesla change the layout of this regularly however the option code string is usually always embedded somewhere.

Tesla Car manage Screen

We try to decode your details as best we can, some of the option codes are not known or have not yet been decoded, and some are based on community sourced information and may be inaccurate or the definition is slightly different to that used by Tesla.

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